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- get() - Method in interface com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer.StringProvider
- get(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Gets the value of a field, searching through its lineage if it doesn't exist in this one, combining values as necessary.
- get(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextRoot
Gets a default object by type.
- get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Gets the value of a field, searching through its lineage if it doesn't exist in this one, combining values as necessary.
- get(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextRoot
Gets an object by type and name.
- getAlias() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.FieldInfo
- getAlias() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.MethodInfo
- getAlias(Field) - Method in interface com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.MemberPolicy
Gets an alias name for the provided field.
- getAlias(Method) - Method in interface com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.MemberPolicy
Gets an alias name for the provided method.
- getAllByType(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextRoot
Returns all ArcheTextObjects of a particular type.
- getArrayDimensions(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Gets how many dimensions that this array, represented by the provided type, has.
- getArrayDimensions(Object) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Gets how many array dimensions that an object (presumably an array) has.
- getArrayType(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Gets the class type of this array type, if this is an array type.
- getArrayType(Object) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Gets the class type of this array, if this is an array.
- getAssignmentOperator() - Method in enum com.blackrook.archetext.Combinator
- getAvailableFieldNames() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Returns all possible field names in this object's lineage.
- getCharIndex() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Token
- getCurrentLexeme() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Gets the current token lexeme.
- getCurrentLineCharacterIndex() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
- getCurrentLineNumber() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Gets the lexer's current stream's line number.
- getCurrentLineNumber() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
- getCurrentStream() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Gets the current stream.
- getCurrentStreamName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
- getCurrentStreamName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack
- getDecimalSeparator() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Kernel
Gets the current decimal separator character.
- getField() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.FieldInfo
- getFieldValue(Object, Field) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Gets the value of a field on an object.
- getGetterMethodsByAlias() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's getter methods.
- getGetterMethodsByName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's getter methods.
- getIdentity() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
- getIdentityField() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
- getIdentityFromObject(T) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Get identity name for object.
- getIdentityGetterMethod() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
- getIdentitySetterMethod() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
- getIncludeResource(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer.DefaultIncluder
- getIncludeResource(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer.Includer
Returns an open
for a path when the parser needs a resource. - getIncludeResourcePath(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer.DefaultIncluder
- getIncludeResourcePath(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer.Includer
Returns a full path for a path when the parser needs a resource.
- getInfoLine(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.PreprocessorLexer
- getLexeme() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Token
- getLexer() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Parser
Gets the
that this Parser uses. - getLineNumber() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Token
- getLocal(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Gets the value of a local field.
- getMethod() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.MethodInfo
- getParents() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
- getProfile(Class<T>) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory
Creates a new profile for a provided type.
- getPublicFieldsByAlias() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's public fields.
- getPublicFieldsByName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's public fields.
- getRawStringEnd(char) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Gets the character that ends a raw String, using the starting character.
- getSetterMethodsByAlias() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's setter methods.
- getSetterMethodsByName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile
Returns a reference to the map that contains this profile's setter methods.
- getState() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
- getStreamName() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Token
- getStringEnd(char) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Gets the character that ends a String, using the starting character.
- getTokenInfoLine(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Parser
Returns a stock error line for when an error/warning or whatever occurs during parse.
- getType() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
- getType() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
- getType() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Token
- getType() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.FieldInfo
- getType() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.TypeProfileFactory.Profile.MethodInfo
- getTypes() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextRoot
- getValue() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
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