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cascade(ArcheTextObject) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Adds the fields and lineage from another object to this object.
clear(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Clears the value of a field.
clearCurrentLexeme() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer
Clears the current token lexeme buffer.
close() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.ReaderStack.Stream
com.blackrook.archetext - package com.blackrook.archetext
Contains the main classes for ArcheText object generation.
com.blackrook.archetext.annotation - package com.blackrook.archetext.annotation
Contains annotations related to ArcheText object generations.
com.blackrook.archetext.exception - package com.blackrook.archetext.exception
Contains exceptions for ArcheText generation or export.
com.blackrook.archetext.struct - package com.blackrook.archetext.struct
Additional helper data structures and methods.
Combinator - Enum in com.blackrook.archetext
ArcheText object internal accumulation types.
combine(ArcheTextValue, ArcheTextValue) - Method in enum com.blackrook.archetext.Combinator
Combines two values.
combineWith(Combinator, ArcheTextValue) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
Combines this value with another and returns the result.
construct(Constructor<T>, Object...) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Creates a new instance of a class from a class type.
containsLocal(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextObject
Returns true if this object (and only this object) contains a field.
copy() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
create() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.HashDequeMap
Called to create a new Deque implementation that gets stored in the table.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Creates a new instance of a class from a class type.
create(String, String, T) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextFactory
Creates a new ArcheTextObject using a POJO (Plain Ol' Java Object) or Map type.
create(String, T) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextFactory
Creates a new default ArcheTextObject using a POJO (Plain Ol' Java Object) or Map type.
create(T) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextFactory
Creates a new anonymous ArcheTextObject using a POJO (Plain Ol' Java Object) or Map type.
create(T) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
Creates a new value.
createForType(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Utils
Reflect.creates a new instance of an object for placement in a POJO or elsewhere.
createForType(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.ArcheTextValue
Converts this value to another Java object type.
currentToken() - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Parser
Gets the token read from the last Lexer.Parser.nextToken() call.
currentType(int...) - Method in class com.blackrook.archetext.struct.Lexer.Parser
Attempts to match the type of the current token.
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