Class Utils

  • public final class Utils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • Utils

        public Utils()
    • Method Detail

      • isWindows

        public static boolean isWindows()
        true if we using Windows.
      • createForType

        public static <T> T createForType​(Object object,
                                          Class<T> targetType)
        Reflect.creates a new instance of an object for placement in a POJO or elsewhere.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return object type.
        object - the object to convert to another object
        targetType - the target class type to convert to, if the types differ.
        a suitable object of type targetType.
        ClassCastException - if the incoming type cannot be converted.
      • isArray

        public static boolean isArray​(Class<?> clazz)
        Tests if a class is actually an array type.
        clazz - the class to test.
        true if so, false if not.
      • isArray

        public static boolean isArray​(Object object)
        Tests if an object is actually an array type.
        object - the object to test.
        true if so, false if not.
      • getArrayDimensions

        public static int getArrayDimensions​(Class<?> arrayType)
        Gets how many dimensions that this array, represented by the provided type, has.
        arrayType - the type to inspect.
        the number of array dimensions, or 0 if not an array.
      • getArrayDimensions

        public static int getArrayDimensions​(Object array)
        Gets how many array dimensions that an object (presumably an array) has.
        array - the object to inspect.
        the number of array dimensions, or 0 if not an array.
      • getArrayType

        public static Class<?> getArrayType​(Class<?> arrayType)
        Gets the class type of this array type, if this is an array type.
        arrayType - the type to inspect.
        this array's type, or null if the provided type is not an array, or if the found class is not on the classpath.
      • getArrayType

        public static Class<?> getArrayType​(Object object)
        Gets the class type of this array, if this is an array.
        object - the object to inspect.
        this array's type, or null if the provided object is not an array, or if the found class is not on the classpath.
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Object obj)
        Checks if a value is "empty." The following is considered "empty":
        obj - the object to check.
        true if the provided object is considered "empty", false otherwise.
      • isNull

        public static <T> T isNull​(T testObject,
                                   T nullReturn)
        Returns the first object if it is not null, otherwise returns the second.
        Type Parameters:
        T - class that extends Object.
        testObject - the first ("tested") object.
        nullReturn - the object to return if testObject is null.
        testObject if not null, nullReturn otherwise.
      • union

        public static <T,​S extends Set<T>> S union​(S set1,
                                                         S set2)
        Returns a new Set that is the union of the objects in two sets, i.e. a set with all objects from both sets.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type in the provided set.
        S - the set that contains type T.
        set1 - the first set.
        set2 - the second set.
        a new set.
      • intersection

        public static <T,​S extends Set<T>> S intersection​(S set1,
                                                                S set2)
        Returns a new Set that is the intersection of the objects in two sets, i.e. the objects that are present in both sets.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type in the provided set.
        S - the set table that contains type T.
        set1 - the first set.
        set2 - the second set.
        a new set.
      • difference

        public static <T,​S extends Set<T>> S difference​(S set1,
                                                              S set2)
        Returns a new Set that is the difference of the objects in two sets, i.e. the objects in the first set minus the objects in the second.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type in the provided set.
        S - the set table that contains type T.
        set1 - the first set.
        set2 - the second set.
        a new set.
      • xor

        public static <T,​S extends Set<T>> S xor​(S set1,
                                                       S set2)
        Returns a new Set that is the union minus the intersection of the objects in two sets.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type in the provided set.
        S - the set table that contains type T.
        set1 - the first set.
        set2 - the second set.
        a new set.
      • setFieldValue

        public static void setFieldValue​(Object instance,
                                         Field field,
                                         Object value)
        Sets the value of a field on an object.
        instance - the object instance to set the field on.
        field - the field to set.
        value - the value to set.
        NullPointerException - if the field or object provided is null.
        ClassCastException - if the value could not be cast to the proper type.
        RuntimeException - if anything goes wrong (bad field name, bad target, bad argument, or can't access the field).
        See Also:
        Field.set(Object, Object)
      • getFieldValue

        public static Object getFieldValue​(Object instance,
                                           Field field)
        Gets the value of a field on an object.
        instance - the object instance to get the field value of.
        field - the field to get the value of.
        the current value of the field.
        NullPointerException - if the field or object provided is null.
        RuntimeException - if anything goes wrong (bad target, bad argument, or can't access the field).
        See Also:
        Field.set(Object, Object)
      • invokeBlind

        public static Object invokeBlind​(Method method,
                                         Object instance,
                                         Object... params)
        Blindly invokes a method, only throwing a RuntimeException if something goes wrong. Here for the convenience of not making a billion try/catch clauses for a method invocation.
        method - the method to invoke.
        instance - the object instance that is the method target.
        params - the parameters to pass to the method.
        the return value from the method invocation. If void, this is null.
        ClassCastException - if one of the parameters could not be cast to the proper type.
        RuntimeException - if anything goes wrong (bad target, bad argument, or can't access the method).
        See Also:
        Method.invoke(Object, Object...)
      • create

        public static <T> T create​(Class<T> clazz)
        Creates a new instance of a class from a class type. This essentially calls Class.newInstance(), but wraps the call in a try/catch block that only throws an exception if something goes wrong.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return object type.
        clazz - the class type to instantiate.
        a new instance of an object.
        RuntimeException - if instantiation cannot happen, either due to a non-existent constructor or a non-visible constructor.
      • construct

        public static <T> T construct​(Constructor<T> constructor,
                                      Object... params)
        Creates a new instance of a class from a class type. This essentially calls Class.newInstance(), but wraps the call in a try/catch block that only throws an exception if something goes wrong.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return object type.
        constructor - the constructor to call.
        params - the constructor parameters.
        a new instance of an object created via the provided constructor.
        RuntimeException - if instantiation cannot happen, either due to a non-existent constructor or a non-visible constructor.
      • exportTo

        public static <T> void exportTo​(T object,
                                        ArcheTextObject atext)
        Exports the values of an object to an ArcheTextObject.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object's type.
        object - the object to export.
        atext - the destination structure.
        ArcheTextExportException - if a problem happens during export.
        ClassCastException - if a value cannot be converted.
      • applyToObject

        public static <T> T applyToObject​(ArcheTextObject atObject,
                                          T object)
        Applies this object to an object bean / plain ol' Java object.

        This object is applied via the target object's public fields and setter methods.

        For instance, if there is a member on this object called "color", its value will be applied via the public field "color" or the setter "setColor()". Public fields take precedence over setters.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the object's type.
        atObject - the source object.
        object - the target object.
        the applied object itself.
      • getIdentityFromObject

        public static <T> String getIdentityFromObject​(T object)
        Get identity name for object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the object type.
        object - the object to inspect.
        the identity of the object to use for the ArcheText object.