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All Classes All Packages
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- sadd(String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sadd(String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sadd(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sadd(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sadd(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sadd(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sadd(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sadd(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- save() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- save() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- scan(long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- scan(long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scan(long, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- scan(long, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scan(long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- scan(long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scan(long, String, Long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- scan(long, String, Long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scard(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scard(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scard(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scard(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptExists(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptFlush() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptFlush() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptFlush() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptFlush() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptKill(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptKill(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptKill(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptKill(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptLoad(File) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptLoad(File) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptLoad(File) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptLoad(File) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptLoad(InputStream) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptLoad(InputStream) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptLoad(InputStream) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptLoad(InputStream) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- scriptLoad(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- scriptLoad(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- scriptLoad(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sdiff(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sdiff(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sdiff(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sdiff(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sdiffstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sdiffstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sdiffstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sdiffstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sendCommandString(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisUserConnection
Sends a request to a Redis server in the form of a literal command.
- sendRequest(Object...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisUserConnection
Sends a raw request to a Redis server in the form of a literal command, already separated into tokens.
- sendRequest(String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisUserConnection
Sends a request to a Redis server in the form of a literal command, already separated into tokens.
- set(int, double) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject
If this is an array, this sets an element at a specific index in it.
- set(int, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject
If this is an array, this sets an element at a specific index in it.
- set(int, RedisObject) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject
If this is an array, this sets an element at a specific index in it.
- set(int, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject
If this is an array, this sets an element at a specific index in it.
- set(int, String[]) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject
If this is an array, this sets an element at a specific index in it.
- set(String, Number) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- set(String, Number) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- set(String, Number) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- set(String, Number) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- set(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- set(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- set(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- set(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- SET - com.blackrook.redis.enums.DataType
Set type.
- setbit(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- setbit(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- setbit(String, long, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- setbit(String, long, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.DataList
Sets this buffer's capacity to some value.
- setCapacityIncrement(int) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.DataList
Sets the capacity increment value.
- setex(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- setex(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- setex(String, long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- setex(String, long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- setFieldValue(Object, Field, Object) - Static method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.Utils
Sets the value of a field on an object.
- setnx(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- setnx(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- setnx(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- setnx(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- setrange(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- setrange(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- setrange(String, long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- setValue(V) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.data.KeyValue
Sets the value to a new value.
- shutdown(boolean) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- shutdown(boolean) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- sinter(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sinter(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sinter(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sinter(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sinterstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sinterstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sinterstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sinterstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sismember(String, Number) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sismember(String, Number) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sismember(String, Number) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sismember(String, Number) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sismember(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sismember(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sismember(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sismember(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- size() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.DataList
- SKIPLIST - com.blackrook.redis.enums.EncodingType
- slaveof(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slaveof(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- slaveofNoOne() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slaveofNoOne() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- sleep(long) - Static method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.Utils
Calls Thread.sleep() but in an encapsulated try to avoid catching InterruptedException.
- sleep(long, int) - Static method in class com.blackrook.redis.struct.Utils
Calls Thread.sleep() but in an encapsulated try to avoid catching InterruptedException.
- slowlog(String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slowlog(String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- slowlogGet(long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slowlogGet(long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- slowlogLen() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slowlogLen() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- slowlogReset() - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisServerCommands
- slowlogReset() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisServerConnection
- smembers(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- smembers(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- smembers(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- smembers(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- smove(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- smove(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- smove(String, String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- smove(String, String, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sort(String, String, SortOrder, boolean, Long, Long, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sort(String, String, SortOrder, boolean, Long, Long, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sort(String, String, SortOrder, boolean, Long, Long, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sort(String, String, SortOrder, boolean, Long, Long, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- SortOrder - Enum in com.blackrook.redis.enums
Sort order for SORT calls.
- specialDouble(double) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
Converts some of Java's primitive doubles to Redis interval values.
- specialDouble(double) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
Converts some of Java's primitive doubles to Redis interval values.
- spop(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- spop(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- spop(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- spop(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- spopLong(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
, except it casts the value to a long integer. - srandmember(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- srandmember(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- srandmember(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- srandmember(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- srandmember(String, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- srandmember(String, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- srandmember(String, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- srandmember(String, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- srem(String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- srem(String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- srem(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- srem(String, Object, Object...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- srem(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- srem(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- srem(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- srem(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sscan(String, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- sscan(String, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sscan(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- sscan(String, long, long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sscan(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- sscan(String, long, String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sscan(String, String, String, Long) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisScanCommands
- sscan(String, String, String, Long) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- startPipeline() - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
Creates a pipelined set of commands.
- STRING - com.blackrook.redis.data.RedisObject.Type
- STRING - com.blackrook.redis.enums.DataType
String type.
- STRING - Static variable in class com.blackrook.redis.enums.ReturnType
STRING return type.
- STRINGPAIR - Static variable in class com.blackrook.redis.enums.ReturnType
STRINGPAIR return type.
- strlen(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- strlen(String) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- strlen(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- strlen(String) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- subscribe(String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisPubSubCommands
- subscribe(String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPubSubConnection
- SUM - com.blackrook.redis.enums.Aggregation
- sunion(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sunion(String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sunion(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sunion(String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
- sunionstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisConnectionCommands
- sunionstore(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.blackrook.redis.commands.RedisDeferredCommands
- sunionstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisConnection
- sunionstore(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.blackrook.redis.RedisPipeline
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