Class FolderArchive

  • public class FolderArchive
    extends FSFileArchive
    This is an FS wrapping class for wrapping a folder on the native file system. NOTE: This will not map hidden files/directories into its lookup table.
    Matthew Tropiano
    • Field Detail

      • fileLookupTable

        protected Map<String,​File> fileLookupTable
        Table for file lookup. Maps file path to File object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderArchive

        public FolderArchive​(String path)
        Constructs a new folder archive from an abstract path.
        path - a path to a folder on the native file system.
        FileSystemException - if the path refers to a location that is not a folder.
        NullPointerException - if path is null.
      • FolderArchive

        public FolderArchive​(File f)
        Constructs a new folder archive from a file object.
        f - a file that is a folder on the native file system.
        FileSystemException - if the file refers to a location that is not a folder.
        NullPointerException - if f is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getFile

        public FSFile getFile​(String path)
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Returns an FSFile reference of a file within this wrapped file.
        Specified by:
        getFile in class FSFileArchive
        path - the abstract path of a file inside this file.
        a new reference to the file requested, or null if the path refers to a location that is not inside this file.
      • getAllFiles

        public FSFile[] getAllFiles()
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Retrieves all of the files within this object as FSFile objects.
        Specified by:
        getAllFiles in class FSFileArchive
        an array of FSFiles, each entry representing a particular file in this object.
      • getAllFiles

        public FSFile[] getAllFiles​(FSFileFilter filter)
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Retrieves all of the files within this object that pass the filter test as FSFile objects.
        Specified by:
        getAllFiles in class FSFileArchive
        filter - the file filter to use.
        an array of FSFiles, each entry representing a particular file in this object.
      • getAllFilesInDir

        public FSFile[] getAllFilesInDir​(String path)
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Retrieves all of the files within a directory as FSFile objects.
        Specified by:
        getAllFilesInDir in class FSFileArchive
        path - the abstract path of a directory inside this file.
        an array of FSFiles, each entry representing a particular file in this object.
      • getAllFilesInDir

        public FSFile[] getAllFilesInDir​(String path,
                                         FSFileFilter filter)
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Retrieves all of the files within this object as FSFile objects that pass the filter test.
        Specified by:
        getAllFilesInDir in class FSFileArchive
        path - the abstract path of a directory inside this file.
        filter - the file filter to use.
        an array of FSFiles, each entry representing a particular file in this object.
      • canCreateFiles

        public boolean canCreateFiles()
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Can this archive create a new file within itself?
        Specified by:
        canCreateFiles in class FSFileArchive
        true if it can, false if it is read-only.
      • createFile

        public OutputStream createFile​(String path)
                                throws IOException
        Description copied from class: FSFileArchive
        Creates a file in this archive using the name and path provided.
        Specified by:
        createFile in class FSFileArchive
        path - the path of the file to create.
        an acceptable OutputStream for filling the file with data.
        IOException - if a read error occurs during the fetch.